The Best Water to Drink | Recipe
John Smith
Staff Writer
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A synergistic blend that transforms ordinary water into a powerful hydration boost
Prep time
5 or 10 minutes (depending on the desired hydrogen concentration)
- 10 oz hydrogen-enriched water (made from distilled water)
- 1/4 tsp high-quality Baja sea salt
- 5-7 drops liquid chlorophyll
- 1 organic lemon, sliced
- Optional: 2-3 fresh mint leaves for garnish
1. Start the hydrogen water generator while you prepare the rest of the ingredients. The molecular hydrogen provides powerful antioxidant properties and optimal cellular hydration.
2. Grind your favourite grey sea salt and add it to a glass.
The minerals in the sea salt work synergistically with the hydrogen to:
- Enhance electrical conductivity of the water
- Provide trace minerals and electrolytes
- Improve cellular absorption
3. Squeeze in juice from half a lemon.
The lemon:
- Adds vitamin C which works synergistically with chlorophyll
- Enhances mineral absorption from the sea salt
- Provides a bright, refreshing taste
4. Gently pour the hydrogen water over the salt and lemon
5. Add liquid chlorophyll drops and stir gently.
The chlorophyll:
- Adds alkalizing properties
- Works with the hydrogen to amplify antioxidant effects
- Provides natural internal deodorizing properties
- Adds a beautiful emerald hue
Optional: Add mint leaves for garnish and an extra burst of freshness
Timing & Storage
- Prepare and drink within 5 minutes to maximize hydrogen content
- Do not shake vigorously as this can cause hydrogen to escape
- Serve cool but not ice cold for optimal absorption
The Synergistic Effect
This isn't just flavored water – it's a carefully crafted combination where each ingredient enhances the others:
- The minerals from sea salt help your body utilize the hydrogen water more effectively
- Chlorophyll and hydrogen work together to maximize antioxidant benefits
- Lemon enhances mineral absorption and provides citric acid which, although acidic itself, can have an alkalizing effect on the body after metabolism.
- The resulting drink is more than the sum of its parts, transforming "dead" distilled water into a living, energizing elixir
Tips for Maximum Benefits
- Drink on an empty stomach for optimal absorption
- Consider drinking first thing in the morning as part of a hydration ritual
- Take a moment to appreciate the beautiful green color and fresh aroma before drinking
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