10 Quick and Easy Mood Boosters
John Smith
Researcher & Writer
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Feeling a bit down or sluggish, especially during the cold winter months? Perk up your spirits with these simple tricks that can improve your mood in mere minutes:
Connect with nature
Take a moment to observe birds, squirrels or any wildlife from your nearest window. Witnessing the simple beauty of nature, even briefly, can provide a potent dose of positivity and help your mind recover from stress and fatigue.
Smile from the inside out
Close your eyes and hold a gentle smile for 30 seconds as you focus on your breath. The physical act of smiling, even a forced one, spurs the release of feel-good brain chemicals. Visualize the warmth radiating from your grin throughout your body for an extra boost.
Stop and smell the roses
Admiring a vase of fresh flowers or gazing upon a lush garden activates parts of the brain that lessen negative emotions and support a quicker bounce-back from stress. A fragrant floral arrangement isn't just decor - it's an instant pick-me-up.
Give yourself an ear massage
Your earlobes are packed with nerve endings and acupressure points linked to relaxation. Rub the fleshy lobes between your thumb and index finger using small circular motions for 2 minutes. This subtle self-massage prompts the release of endorphins for a secret bliss boost anywhere, anytime.
Hum a happy tune
The vibrations created by humming a melody activate the vagus nerve, which calms the nervous system. Humming also gets more oxygen flowing to the brain for an energizing effect. Choose a song that always makes you smile for the biggest benefit.
Sip some lemon hydrogen water
Even mild dehydration can leave you feeling cranky and unfocused. Rehydrate and invigorate your senses by squeezing fresh lemon into a tall glass of hydrogen-infused water. It's proven to improve of mood, anxiety, and autonomic nerve function.
Nibble on dark chocolate
A square or two of dark chocolate delivers magnesium and plant compounds that relax you by improving blood flow to the brain. Pair a few pieces with a small handful of nuts for a satisfying serotonin boost without the sugar crash.
Do a full-body stretch
Elongating your muscles switches on the parasympathetic nervous system, your body's built-in "chill pill." A good stretch slows your heart rate and breathing to induce an overall sense of calm and control. Try stretching first thing in the morning or whenever you're feeling wound up.
Tap in threes
Here's an unconventional move that works like a mini-massage for your nerves: tap your fingers three times, then your foot three times, repeating for about a minute. This creates a rhythm of threes that soothes your mind. You can do this subtly in meetings or while waiting in line.
Have a good laugh
Laughter really is great medicine. Watch a funny video, listen to a comedy podcast or call a friend who always cracks you up. Hearty laughter relieves tension, elevates your mood, and even temporarily boosts immunity - the ultimate blues buster.
Remember, small mindful acts sprinkled throughout your day can have a big impact on your mental wellbeing and outlook. Whenever you need a little lift, come back to this list of spirit-brightening strategies to shift yourself into a happier state of mind.
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