Filtres de douche

Shower Filters – Ocemida Water

Guide des filtres de douche 2024 : les 5 meille...

John Sparks

Protégez votre peau et vos cheveux avec un filtre de douche ! Découvrez les 5 meilleurs filtres de douche de 2024 et apprenez comment ils éliminent le chlore, les métaux...


What is hydrogen water?

Hydrogen water is regular water infused with extra hydrogen molecules. It's created by dissolving hydrogen gas into water, resulting in water with a higher concentration of molecular hydrogen than regular water.

What are the claimed health benefits of hydrogen water?

Some studies found hydrogen water may have antioxidant properties, reduce inflammation, boost energy, improve athletic performance, and support overall health

Is hydrogen water safe to drink?

Generally, hydrogen water is considered safe for consumption. The added hydrogen doesn't change the water's chemical composition significantly.

How is hydrogen water different from regular water?

The main difference is the increased concentration of dissolved hydrogen gas. Regular water (H2O) already contains hydrogen, but hydrogen water has additional H2 molecules dissolved in it. This doesn't change the taste or appearance of the water significantly.

How can I make or obtain hydrogen water?

Hydrogen water can be made at home using hydrogen water machines. It's also commercially available in bottles or cans. However, the hydrogen concentration may vary depending on the production method and storage time.